our elders

At Chesapeake Christian Fellowship, we are strengthened by our Elders. Our Elders are men who fulfill the Biblical qualifications of Elders found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.


The Elders serve primarily as a counsel for the Senior Pastor. They are to pray for him, encourage him, support him, assist him in difficult decisions, and hold him accountable to the Word of God. They also handle the church benevolence (Elders) fund and assist in ministering to the spiritual needs of the individual members. 

The mission of the Elders is to lead, teach, protect, and love the body of believers (Ephesians 4:11-13). The Elders spend many hours praying for the believers, studying, and visiting the sick. The desire of the Elders is to serve the Lord as well as the brothers and sisters of CCF. They promise to pray and seek the Lord’s will in serving you.


On January 12, 1997, Anita and I became members of CCF. My ordination as an Elder was administered on June 15, 1997. From 1998 through 2003, I attended Arlington Bible College, followed by the completion of additional courses at Bethany Divinity College and Seminary in 2006. 

I served a 35-year career with the Federal Government as Supervisor Exhibit Specialist - basically a fancy title for a Federal Government carpenter and museum exhibit designer. Over that time, Anita and I had three daughters: Lisa, Lorrie, and Rebecca. From that came five grandchildren: Allen, Tommy, Wayne, Reid, and Allia, and a great-granddaughter, Marley. They all know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I still do a little woodworking, but I find more joy in telling people about Jesus and what He has done for me and my family. 

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elder john labash (A-b)

In June 1968, I married my high school sweetheart, Betty. We have two adult children and six grandchildren. l have a Bachelor’s degree in Business and a Master’s Degree in Healthcare. I retired after thirty years in the Air Force as a hospital administrator, six years as HMO manager, and recently retired after thirteen years as a government contract program manager assisting military and veterans with their benefits. 

l accepted Jesus Christ at the age of 32 thanks to my neighbor who shared Ephesians 2:8-9. I have been a member of CCF since 2004 and am trained in discipleship programs. My spiritual goals are to train my grandchildren in becoming disciple-makers, serve each of you, and do the work of an evangelist in our community.

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Head elder bill belt (C-E)

My wife Candace and I have been members of CCF since 2004. Prior to being ordained as an elder in 2014, I served as chairperson of the Trustees for 5 years. Before coming to CCF, I attended many classes to further my knowledge of God’s Word. I have been retired from the United States Postal Service since 2006. I have been to India twice on mission trips and traveled to the school in Haiti that CCF supports. 

Currently, I lead mission trips to the Navajo Indian Reservation in Bisti, New Mexico. Furthermore, I lead the men’s Bible study group on Wednesday at CCF as well as Bible Studies at the Ordinance Road Correctional Center. Wherever I am needed at the church, I serve and have a servant’s heart for people. My goal is to help “men become men” according to the Word of God!

In my spare time, I enjoy family, traveling, and classic cars.

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elder travis witmer (F-J)

I moved to Annapolis from Pennsylvania in Spring 2015. By God’s grace, He revealed my need for the transformative work of Jesus in my life. He led me to CCF in late 2016 where I was ordained as a Trustee in

2018. It has been a blessing to volunteer for several mission trips, including disaster relief with Samaritan's Purse. I began leading the First Impressions Team in 2021 and ordained as an Elder in October 2023. It has been an honor to serve, and I am thankful that CCF strongly encourages getting involved and helping as we love and serve one another in the Body of Christ.

Outside of church, I have been employed for the last 20 years as an onsite project manager for land development. I

married my lovely wife, Jeanne-Marie, in 2020 and became a father to Gabriel at that time.  While my family primarily enjoys the quiet pursuits of Bible study, game nights, nature hikes, and visiting our families and friends in PA, I am a lifelong aviation enthusiast and private pilot. With over 1,000 flight hours, aviation offers a unique perspective on God’s beautiful creation only seen from the air while also providing the opportunity to share with passengers the regenerative work Christ has done in my life.

I thank God for the ability to serve Him and Chesapeake Christian Fellowship as an Elder and desire to serve by supporting Bible reading and discipleship as we all grow and mature in our walk with Christ. 

May God be glorified by all that is done here.

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elder Paul Disney (K-M)


elder steve stovall (N-q)

I grew up in Southern California. At one point, I lived in Reno, Nevada, and worked at a casino. I was serving the world and on a path to self-destruction. By the time I moved to Maryland in 1998, I was broken, Godless, and hopeless. 

Pastor Pat and the CCF family showed me another way. I met Jesus Christ, my Life Changer. The old me passed away, and I began a new, productive life. I needed to give back and get outside of myself, so I was baptized, became a member, and began serving as a trustee, with Overcomers Outreach, and on mission trips to India and the Czech Republic. In 2008, I was ordained as an Elder. For my entire Christian life of over 21 years, my home has been here at CCF, where I met Jesus and He literally saved my life.

I am married to my beautiful wife, Cathy, and we live in Crofton. When I’m not running my small construction business, I enjoy snow skiing, hunting, fishing, RVing, and camping.

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elder don sanders (R-S)

I have been a member of CCF since 2007 and have been active in taking classes, volunteering, and serving as chairperson for the Leadership team for 2 years. For a number of years, I also had the opportunity to mentor for Good News Jail and Prison ministries. I have been involved in many of our local outreach programs and have traveled to Haiti. In 2017, I was ordained as an Elder. 

My heart is to help those who are hurting and carry forth CCF's vision of "Seeing people who don't know Jesus come to Jesus."

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elder Drex Crowell (T-Z)

I have been worshiping and hearing God's Word at CCF with my wife Nancy since 2005, when we moved back to Maryland. We were married in 1976 in District Heights, MD, where we grew up. I retired in 2019 from a career in retail distribution, transportation, and supply chain management after 45 years. I have been a member of various churches in New Jersey, Virginia, Georgia, and Maryland. 

I have been a Trustee, Chair of Administrative Boards, Sunday School teacher, Youth mission trip leader at previous Churches, and traveled to Mexico, Indonesia, Egypt, and Israel in supporting ministries that are dedicated to furthering Christ and His Kingdom. I serve along with Nancy on the Board of "Christ for the Island World" Ministry.

The Lord has blessed us with a daughter, Dawn, a son-in-law, Colin Murphy, a son, Adam, and a daughter-in-law, Emily (Fahner). All know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We have been doubly blessed with our grandson, Brady Murphy, and granddaughter, Avery Murphy, who are learning about Jesus. All live in the area.

I am blessed to be a member of CCF and am excited about what the Lord has for us to do in the days ahead.